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Cracked Concrete Wall
  • Writer's pictureJolie Dubriel

It's 2022 and positive with COVID-19

Hello Everyone!!

I hope you all are doing great and as healthy as health can be achieved these days. For myself, I tested positive for Covid -19, Friday, January 7th. Was I surprised by this test? Yes. Was I scared? No. I knew from the beginning that this would be a nuisance of epic portions. I live with my mother in a close-quarters three-room house with two bathrooms. A standard living space yet, my older brother and his family are currently homeless despite buying a good size trailer for their family.

I don’t know whom these things work when you buy a mobile, but you would think everything would be good but no. The home is not where it should be, and any news of when it will be where it should be is up in the air. The wonder in all this is glorious. I know for a fact that I contracted this sickness by going outside in the cold with the blistering wind. I don’t interact with many people because I prefer to be away from people unless I go to Walmart or Target. Yet here I am, isolating in a room with four windows and a bathroom, waiting for my mom to give me things like food and water.

Having this illness is not easy, friends. This isolation is not normal even for people who don’t like interacting. I will admit that I have looked at my classes for my online school for preparation for my last year of graduate school. I hope and pray I can enjoy it also soak it all in because I would love to use what I learn in my life. Besides that, my day has been spent watching movies, eating, and coughing. My symptom is similar to a head cold with a stuffy nose and dry cough. I have been taking my cough syrup and a Tylenol.

There isn’t much to say, only that I am in bed with a laptop or tablet for my entertainment for the next five days. The crazy thing is that I recently logged out of all social media, which is ironic to me because I could scroll all day. So again, a distraction that I somewhat missed was taking my focus away from things that needed my attention. I have decided to begin a six-month challenge by focusing on my mental health and personal life because I have been slacking. Maybe these five days of noting going anywhere or being disturbed will be good for me. I will try to do a post a month, and perhaps once I get my groove, I will do one-two a month. I hope that everyone has a great new year and reaches our goals; if we find ourselves stumbling about, there are always chances to get it right.

Stay safe and encourage


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